Friday, May 10, 2013

Back to the farm

In fact, I am actually back home, but I did not get a chance to blog about my return to the farm for the night and my travels home and I would like here we go!

As planned, I left the cottage in St.Monans after lunch on Tuesday and made my way back to Craigencalt farm for the night. It was a gloriously sunny day, so after I finished packing my bag and cleaning the house, I went for one last walk along the beach. 

Isle of May hidden in fog.

I came back to the cottage, gathered me things, locked it up, and began to walk up Station road towards the bus stop.

This thing ways a butt ton.

The bus ride was pretty nice. I enjoyed looking out the window, noticing buildings, forests, and hills that I hadn't on the way here. It really is a beautiful place out there. Nothing but the ocean, farm land, and old stone buildings. Anyway, I arrived at the Kirkcaldy bus station and made my way to the rail station. It was sort of awkward pulling my giant bag through the streets, the wheels clattering on the brick walk ways...but it was a shot enough walk. So I managed to find the station and get my ticket. The ticket lady told me that the next train to Kinghorn was leaving in 5 minutes, so I quickly made my way up to platform 2. The train pulled up and I got on. I was just relaxing into my seat when the names of the stops were being called put. Kinghorn wasn't on there...

I seriously almost shite myself... But I tried to calm myself, just thinking that I will get off at the next stop and get a ticket to Kinghorn. yes, it means I would have wasted 2 pounds, but it was my only option. I was just formulting my plan while trying to slow my breathing as we began to approach Kinghorn. "Smooth going Annie." I thought...I was going to go right through where I needed to get off. Real smooth. 

I was just thinking all these things, when the train began to slow. Could it be? Was it actually stopping? Sure enough, it came to a full stop by the train station. I was rushed with an overwelming sense of relief. I wuickly sprang up and grabbed my rotund bag and started dragging it to the door. Another girl, around my age, also got up. I hesitated, intending for her to get out first, so my big bag wouldn't get in her way. But she just pressed the "open" button and said, "no, you go ahead". So I did. Once on the platform, I turned around, expecting to see her there, so I could thank her, but she had sat back down in her seat and the train began to pull away.

She had gotten up and opened the door, just to help me out. Maybe she saw how big it was, or my mini panic attack, but wither way, I am grateful random girl. Thank you. It was a kind gesture. That combined with the relief of not being on some train to God knows where, I was left feeling pretty good on my walk up to the farm.

When I arrived, sweaty and out of breath from hauling my bag, I found Adam, Rich and the new WWOOFers working in the jewelry shop. It was like no time had passed at all. It was very nice of them to let me come back for the night, so I put my things inside and came back out to help. There, I met Rob from Toronto Canada, one of the new WWOOFers. We chatted as we sanded some jewelry display boxes. It really is so cool to meet all these different people and learn their stories. Then, I met the other WWOOFer, Jamie, a girl from New Mexico. She has been traveling around Scotland since September with nothing but her paints and guitar. She doesn't have a return ticket, she's just going until she wants to return. I think this is so very cool. It's a fierce reminder that not everything has to be done by the book. By taking this gap year, I proved that to myself.

Anyway, we all got down to sanding. Rob, Jamie, Rich, Adam and me. Adam turned on some reggae and brought down some chips and beer. It was well past five, but we were having more of a chip'n'beer sanding party then actual work. It was a lot of fun.

Then at about half past, Rich and Adam started getting ready to go lobster diving. They offered to let us come along, and we all agreed. Around six, we all piled into Flora (Adam's van) and drove down to Burntisland bay. Adam and Rich got suited up and headed into the water. Which looked freezing. They had full wetsuits on; gloves, boots and hoods.

While they swam around looking for crustaceans, Rob walked around while Jamie and I talked. It was stange because I had just met her, but it felt like I had known her forever. Which is odd for me, especially considering I feel as though it takes me forever to become comfortable around people. But maybe I've gotten better at it since this trip. In fact, I know I have. Anyway, we talked about everything from the benefits of traveling to vegetarianism. Again, it was really cool to hear her perspectives on the matter and learn about her life. 
Then Rob and I talked for a while, mostly about langues. German in particular. Then Adam and Rich swam in, with 4 lobsters and a crab. They put them in a bucket and quickly changed into their clothes. Then we headed back up to the farm.
The catch!

Adam and the lobsters. Sounds like a crappy metal band name...

My room for the night!

Diana had this spot set up for me when I got there. :)

A room with a view.

About 20 minutes later, dinner was ready and we all headed up to the tree house. Our starter was the lobster that had just been swimming around in Burntisland bay not an hour before. Even though I live by the ocean, I never been big on lobster, but this stuff was really quite good. And it was even cooler to think that Adam and Rich had caught it themselves. Then we had our main course; vegetarian haggis. 

After dinner, Jamie washed up. We ended up haning out until 10:30. I knew I had to get up early, but it was just such a cool/fun environment, I didn't want to leave. Jamie played Adam's guitar and sang different songs. Adam even broke out his didgeridoo for a little duet. It was quite the night. If you had asked me in the beginning of this year if I thought I would be sitting in a tree house, in Scotland, with a bunch of random people just hanging out, I would have told you that you were crazy. But I was. And it was awesome. 

I guess what I am saying is that this trip brought me so much. I went off and took this leap out of my comfort zone. And nothing but great things happened. I can confidently say that I feel more ready for college than I ever have before. But I will talk more about that in a "wrap up" post. So. Thanks for reading this one!

Monday, May 6, 2013


This morning I got up at my leisure and after breakfast I headed up to the bus stop to catch the 11:21 bus towards St.Andrews. There was an old man waiting too, and he started to tell me that he was going to St.Andrews to go boot shopping. Or at least that is what I thought he was saying... until he said he wanted to buy boots about ghosts. Then I realized he was going book shopping...not boot shopping. The way he said it made it very hard to understand. This is the second time that I have not understood someone because of a heavy accent. But anyway, it was really funny to see how cheerful he was about his "booook" shopping. 

The bus stop, where I met my new pal. :P

 The bus worked it's way through Pittweem and Anstruther before cutting up into the country side. About a half an hour of whizzing by emerald fields and old stone farm buildings and then the ocean became visible again. During the first 20 minutes of the ride, my water bottle was leaking into my lap, so it looked like I had peed myself. Luckily I noticed it before we arrived so it had time to dry. Real smooth...

As we approached, the town of St.Andrews cropped up. Right away I could see the spires of the university and cathedral, rising high about the rest of the town. I was flooded with excitement. I had applied to the university, I had looked at pictures and examined the area on Google maps. And here I was...only minutes away from actually being there. 

Then the bus pulled into the station and I got off and found my way to Market Street; the "main drag" if you will. It is littered will all sorts of shops, ranging from Starbucks to fancy restaurants, to golf stores. Lots and lots of golf shops. 

I walked all the way down to the end of Market Street, deciding to explore/sight see before any shopping. The coolest thing about today was how well I blended in to my surroundings. I had on my backpack and headphones my in, just like almost every other student in the town. It was so I just pretended to walk with purpose and the effect was complete. Other tourists and students alike couldn't tell I was a visitor and I had no idea where I was going... it was brilliant.

Anyway, I found myself at the St.Andrews Cathedral. Photo time.

I wandered around there for quite some time before finding my way to the castle and harbor. 

St.Andrews castle.

Down to the harbor.

Love the color of the water.

I sat on the beach and had my- yup, you guessed it- nutella sandwich. Then I looped around, following a road that I do not know the name of until I came back to the town center. From there I went past the castle again and down the Scores. This street is lined with all sorts of buildings from the university. Each one architecturally cooler than the next. 

Coolest college town ever... ruined castle in view all the time.

At the end of the Scores, the sidewalk was suddenly mobbed with golfers. The old course was just ahead as well at the golfing museum. So I got out of there as quickly as I could. It's not that I don't like golf... I am Switzerland. Couldn't care one way or the other..but it was too crowded, so I continued on my walk about. I then went down North Street, where the main campus of the university it located. It is so pretty. The buildings are gorgeous... and it is such a great size. And they have a street called Butts Wynd on campus... Amazing.

Also, did you know that the university is the third oldest in the English speaking world? And that they were the first to allow women to study in the UK. Very cool.

hahaha...I almost tripped a whole group when I stopped to get this picture. I just had to...

 Then after walking down North street and all the university stuff, I did a bit of shopping on North Street. I had to consciously think about stopping myself from grinning as I walked around the streets. It felt so amazing to be there, it was all I wanted to do. I then went into a book store and the university store. And a coffee place. I have an addiction I think...
"Unusual items purchased for cash" umm...okay...haha

Some fancy latte thing!

Some dorms.

This is my "oh snap now I really want to go to University of St.Andrews" face.

View through bus window to St.Andrews.

When I got back to the cottage, I was totally buzzing. I don't know if it was the coffee (probably) or the excitement of my time in St.Andrews, but I felt awesome. I was so proud of myself. Mostly because, for the first time, as I roamed the streets around the university, I wanted to go to college. I actually felt excited at the prospect. I realize this may sounds silly... but for so long, the idea of college scared me more than anything else. But not so much anymore. So I was absolutely brimming with self confidence and pride on my walk to the cottage.

Anyway, I then went for a quick walk along the beach before coming inside and making dinner. Here come the photos:

I seriously love photographing this town.

Look at these rocks!

My new shirt! To a university I don't attend. :P

Tomorrow I travel back to the farm for the night, then it's back to the USA on Wednesday!