*NOTE: yes, I do realize that my gap year is basically over by now,but this was something I had intended to share long ago. In fact I typed this months ago but for some reason only got to posting it now. It outlines my reasons for taking a gap year, and maybe will encourage others to give it a try if they so desire. Enjoy!
I remember one day junior year on high school, our guidance councilors came into our advisories and handed out sheets that pertained to “post high school plans.” And I remember thinking “great, they are starting this college stuff already.” They proceeded to talk about how junior year grades weigh heavily a colleges decision to accept or decline an application, and to just do our best this year with that in mind.
“And the pressure is on already”
Then they directed our attention to the blue sheet (blue-how different and exciting!). It had a list of things to keep in mind and think about for senior year when the college application process truly began. Then on that back it had more post high school paths. These included a vocational tech school, the Army, and a gap year. The guidance councilors read through each bullet, explaining further about them. When she began to explain about a gap year, My heart skipped a beat and I thought was “I am doing that.” That thought was my initial gut reaction.
And you know what they say. Go with your gut.
I did. It was a struggle. My rational mind vs. my instincts. It was a battle of epic proportions. Eventually, instincts won out, by a slim margin. These next posts will explain why I decided to take a gap year.
The decision proved wise. Think of all the experiences you've had over the past year and how they've made you grow as a person.