Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 3 N.S. trip recap

 11/6/12 (election day)
Before I dive right in, I just want to mention that it was very nice to be away from America during that time because I was incredibly fed up with the political ads (as most were). Also, this was the first election I voted in and I am so glad I did and I am totally pleased with the outcome. Here's to another four years for President Obama!

Despite cold wind, freezing water, and odd looks from tough Swiss Germans,  my mom and I went for a kayak in the morning on our third day there. At the Second Paradise Retreat, they have a little boat house with many kayaks if you so desire to use one. We woke up to a gorgeously sunny day, so we decided we would take advantage of that and take them out to a little island just a stone's throw away from the beach (that's still a term right?). 
Does this spray skirt make me look fat?

Can't really see in this photo, but this kayak I used is a product of West Germany. Maybe it's just me but I think that is kind of cool.

The island kayaked to.

On the island.   
 Then afterwards we decided to go an see Indian Falls. It was a place my mom came across on a list of "local gems" of the area, so we decided, to check it out. After driving for what seemed like a very very long time, we turned onto a dirt road surrounded by woods. Simply out, it was the middle of nowhere. It was a little freaky. I just kept thinking about Stephen King and what kind of plot would come from our exploration in the middle of nowhere... We got to the end of the road that was cut off by a large orange gate. A small sign told us we had indeed made it to Indian Falls. 

There were two dirt roads to follow beyond the gate. We tried both, and luckily they both lead to the same place. But going down them in the chilly air with nothing but woods all around not knowing where we were headed plus the isolation of the location was enough to give it a creepy edge. Maybe it was just my imagination...
Indian Falls itself.

Sunset that evening after we returned home.


  1. What on earth were you two doing that you made the tough old Swiss German people stare? Were you wearing Viking helmets?

    1. Well, is was very cold and windy and I think they thought we were nuts to go kayaking in those conditions. They obviously did not know about our winter sport activity of ice & snow sailing!
