Friday, November 30, 2012

Day 5 N.S. trip recap!

Today we woke up to a raw, windy, rainy day. My favorite. (No sarcasm intended, I actually love rainy days. Why? Because "there's more scope for the imagination" as Anne Shirley said.) (Anne of Green Gables? Okay. Moving on)

So, we decided to go find the local farmers market for Lunenburg that we had seen advertised around town. It was relatively easy to find because it was right next to the curling club of Lunenburg. 
Only in Canada...
 I love going to farmers markets in general and getting the chance to go to one while traveling always promises a cool experience. There was everything from coffee to veggies to homemade leather shoes available at the market. Everyone there was so down to earth and welcoming. And just a bunch of hippies. Loves it. We get some veggies, fish and coffee. Then we went on to explore the near by town of Blue Rocks. We couldn't have picked a more perfect day to go explore this town. The overcast rainy day contrasted with the many colorful fishing boat perfectly and gave the small fishing town a hearty feeling. If that makes any sense. 

See the little Christmas tree decorated with lobster trap buoys? That perfectly describes the vibe this town gives off.

After exploring this area, we went back into Lunenburg and my mom did some shopping. Then when we returned back to our cottage, I went on the woods trail on the property and found this little structure someone had built. I spent the rest of the day working on it. Yes, I am 5 years old.
 I got all muddy and wet and chilled to the core, so it was nice to come back to the warm little cottage and have some fish cakes we had gotten from the Farmers market.

1 comment:

  1. The Farmer's Market in Lunenburg was a wonderful rainy day discovery. We bought all the ingredients for our dinners for the rest of our time at Second Paradise Retreat-yum! Blue Rocks was so isolated, yet felt like home- we saw a house for sale and looked it up when we got back. Side fact: Dolores Claiborn- the Stephen King movie - was filmed in Blue Rocks, Lunenburg, and Chester, Nova Scotia!
