Monday, December 3, 2012

How the HELL am I going to spend the rest of my year?

Now that we are into December, it has been a few months since I began this gap year. I started off not entirely sure of my choice and not really knowing what I was going to be doing. I mean, I had "the plan" that I would deliver to people whenever the skeptically asked " a gap year...?"  Really my only solid plan was that I was going to work. Which I have done a lot of. But now, I am starting to worry. Back in June my dad when to Finland to help re-setup a company called Kitewing ( It is a product that I use and ice sailing is a sport my family participate in every winter. Check out this video to get a clear idea of what it's all about. It's really hard to explain so I find just telling people to watch a video is the best way for everyone to understand what it's all about.

Okay, are you done? Cool. I filmed, edited, and sailed in that video and it is probably the best one I have ever made. Anyway, while my dad was there he found out that the company needs people to work during the winter months in the factory putting together the Wings because it is their busiest time. And that, if I so desired, I could work there and have that job. So working and living in Finland from January to March was my big plan. The glue that held together the rest of the year. And now, it's almost January, and I still don't have a place to live. That was the one catch in the idea; finding me a place to live in Finland for three months. Apartments are CRAZY expensive. All the people that we know in Finland have either not gotten back to us, or don't have the room. It is a lot to ask of someone, but we are still searching for that place. I know how amazing and beneficial a trip this could be, so I really hope that we can figure this out in the next month. 
Because of this uncertainty considering what was supposed to be the creme dela creme of my gap year experience, I have be fervently searching for other options as well as ideas for the spring time. I have had some luck so far. I found a super amazing website called It stands for World Wide Opportunities for Organic Farming. It is totally amazing and there are hundreds of farms in almost every country across the world. Basically you work at a farm in  exchange for free room and board while being in a new country and the opportunities to explore.  I have been reading farm profiles for the past few weeks and it's so overwhelming. There are just so many options in so many countries. I can't decide. But where ever I do decide to go, I am going to try and plan it so I can " farm hop". Spend a few weeks one spot, then on to the next and the next. This is going to take a lot of planning, but it is something I really want to try and do, so I am going to do my best to make it work. 

As great as that is, there is just so much more I want to do. So many places that I want to see and things I want to experience. And I am starting to worry that it won't all happen this year. I am afraid that I will have barely done anything cool and adventure by the time August rolls around. I will have missed out...

BUT. Just as I begin to get myself thinking like that, I have to stop. I have to put away the worry wart and find that inner hippie. I need to give myself a break. Whether or not I am trekking through the Himalayas, the point of this year is that I took it. I followed my initial instinct of not being prepared for school. I took that risk and now it's my job to make it the best it can be. That, of course, is easier said than done. See? I am my own worst enemy. I'm going to drive myself crazy. Really. I think I need to just give myself a break and relax and enjoy my year.

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