Hi everyone, please pay special attention to this post. This is a very important one. This is the very last post I will ever be doing. Never again will I write about my gap year. Never again will I write about anything anywhere. Or do anything anywhere for that matter. Why?
Because the world is going to end tomorrow. Duh. Tomorrow, December 21st 2012, the world will end. How do we know this you ask? Well, it is because the Mayan calender ends tomorrow. After a 5125 year long cycle in their calendar, it ends. And as we all know, the end of a
calender kept by an ancient civilization dictates everything in the
present and obviously, the future. We are not entirely sure what is going to happen, but it could be anything from being sucked into a black hole, being hit by the rouge planet Nibiru, or being attacked by zombies. All are a high risk and are things that may happen on the 21st.
Some have called this phenomenon of this sure to be cataclysmic event merely a pseudoscience. For example, NASA says that Nibiru was an Internet hoax and will not crash into the earth. If NASA knew anything, they would know that the Internet can always be counted on as being a highly credible and reliable place in all fields. No hoaxes every originate here. And since when has NASA been credible?
Clearly, the Mayan calendar ending marks the end of us too. I have enjoyed writing here quite a bit, but now I say goodbye.
Obviously, I was being slightly satirical. Or a lot so. I guess you can figure out for yourselves what I really think.
But, all this end of the world talk really got me thinking though. What if we knew that the world was definitely going to end? What would you do? And I don't mean go to EMS and stock up on survival stuff so you can survive and eventually bring humanity back in a place called Panam that consists of 12 outlying districts and a capitol... hunger games. Not like that. I mean what would you actually do? Would you travel somewhere? (Pick somewhere close so you could actually get there before the world ends.) Or be with a certain person? Or rob a bank? (That would suck if the Mayans were wrong of course...) Or try something you have always wanted to?
You get the idea. But, it just really got me thinking about it, so I decided to use some sarcasm to eventually get to a valid point. And that point is:
Try and live everyday as though the world is going to end the next day. Live in the moment.
That is probably the oldest anecdote in the book, but the more I think about the possible Doomsday, the more I desire to really live my life that way.
Anyway, those were just a few thoughts. Happy end of the world. Talk to you never. And learn how to use a bow and change your name to Katniss if you really want to survive it. But let's enjoy things until the end comes.
I love the cartoon!