Wednesday, December 19, 2012

'Tis the Season

So, now that Christmas is only 6 days away, most of my friends are back from college, which has made these past few days very eventful. Quite a change from the work,hike,write,relax type of life style I have seemed to taken up. At fist, weeks before their actual return, I thought about how insignificant I would feel beside them, knowing they had just completed their first semester of college and I had really just worked. Then when they actually got here, I was too excited to feel that way. Not to mention, also within the last week or so, I have really understood that that line of thinking is...well, out of line. For a long time I  knew that rationally feeling such a way was not how I should see it, but it is what I felt. And unless you are Dr.Brennan (from Bones. I love that show so much.Okay. Off topic.), and you can separate your rational mind from emotional feelings, then it is hard to just go with that rational thought. And yet, I now know and believe that I am just as good as them. I took my path and they took theirs. I realize that it seems as though knowing full well I would be taking a gap year, that is a fact I would have digested long ago. But I have only just started to truly believe it. And not just think it. And I also think that that is all apart of what a gap year is supposed to bring to the table. It may have taken me four months, but now I know that I made the right choice. 
I guess what I am trying to say is, that we can learn a lot from inner reflection, so long as you don't get lost there. (As Dumbledore once said ""It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.") (yeah, I went there. Harry Potter quote. :D 

 Wow. I rambled waaay more up there than I had intended to. Anyway, I went to the Boston museum of Science today with a good friend. It was awesome. We figured out the seemly complex network of trains and subways and successfully got there and back with no problems. I am actually very proud of this, especially considering that I feel more at home alone in the middle of the woods than anywhere else. Score one for the lowly country bumpkin. Here are a few picture from the end of the day. 

Then yesterday after work I was able hang out with some other very good friends. One friend gave me a hat she had crocheted. She's going to a school in That explains that. It was wonderful to see them all. Then on Sunday my best friend got hang out with me while I worked the little shop at the local farm. 

They are all back and are going to be here for the next month or so, so I am excited. Then maybe it is off to Finland for me. (Still working out some issues with that.) And if not, definitely WWOOFing in the UK. 

Anyway, Happy Holidays to everyone and thanks for reading this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Happy holidays to you. Or hoppy holidaze if you drink beer.
