Friday, April 26, 2013

Fish and Chips

 After collecting the eggs this morning as usual, Richard had us painting another shed down in the chicken yard. It was quite a pleasant time, standing in the sun and painting the walls, just chatting about different things.  After we had painted the first one, we were tasked with painting the shed where the hay is stored. We were nearly finished with the second shed when dark clouds swept in and it began to hail. At first lightly, then more heavily until it was bouncing off everything in a blur of white. We retreated into the chicken house, where Richard then found us, telling us we could go in for lunch. 

The chicken house. Hella and I were brainstorming about making it into a cafe. How cool would that be?

After lunch, we worked in the jewelry shop for about an hour or so, going through stock and calculating how much is there. It was really cool to look through all the different rings and pendants; I had plenty of gift ideas for everyone back home. And for me. I don't know if I have shared this or not already, but this is the website to Adam's jewelry business:

Adam left for Edinburgh (where he sells and trades on the weekends) and tasked us with continuing the digging project and then splitting more firewood. Again, as we were scooping shovel-fulls of earth into a wheelbarrow, the clouds came sweeping in and it began to hail again. For the duration of the afternoon, the clouds were intense and dramatic against the landscape. The background was laden with dark and foreboding clouds, while in the foreground white puffy clouds revealed blue sky. Coupled together, these two sights made for a striking view.
Dramatic cloud scenery this afternoon.

Digging! Our new favorite job! (not.)

All HAIL Scotland.

Then, just like that, the sun was back out and it was a beautiful spring afternoon. We headed up to go work on the wood, taking out sweet time and marveling at the dramatic scenery. 
Wood splitting time!

Another view of the farm.
We worked in the wood until 5, where we came inside and had tea. And toast with Nutella. And talked about how much we love Nutella. It was quite nice. Around 6 Rich and him mum came to pick us up and take us to dinner. He took us to a fish and chip shop, something that is apparently very prevalent in Scotland. As we waited, Rich chatted with the owner and as we were leaving he gave us a free bottle of coke. We then returned to the farm and had our dinner. Yay for a fried cultural experience! 

Anyway, tomorrow Hella and I are going to Edinburgh, so the blog post is going to be packed with photos, so be warned. I really wish I had a second memory card...


  1. All hail Scotland! If it makes you feel any better, is was 32 F. this morning in New Hampshire! Fish and chips- yummy- I think the last time we had that was after the October storm when we ate at the Jamestown Narragansett Cafe. Anyway, have fun in Edinburg this weekend!

  2. I love fish and chips. I love Nutella. I don't like either of them together. That's some weird weather you're having! I'm looking forward to looking at the Edinburgh pix.
