Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thai food in the treehouse

Today's chores were so much more fun having another WWOOFer around. We collected eggs this morning, then painted the inside of the garden shed with wood preserver stuff. It was another windy day, and halfway through it started to rain all over our still drying wood. Then it was sunny... crazy weather.


We spent the rest of the morning working on the netting again. After lunch Rich had us varnishing the wooden sills of the windows of the jewelry shop. Then we were moving rocks up a small to a place where they are going to be building a stone wall. It was quite a funny sight; the two of us hurling big stones up a dirt hill. Sometimes they would bounce of another rock and come tumbling right back down, only to be thrown again. It was fun though, because I made it sort of game. I was practicing  my aim and force. Let's just say I now would be really good at basketball if the ball weighed 20 lbs...

Those jobs filled up the afternoon, and after work I did laundry. (Yes Mom, I can actually do my own laundry.) I put it out on the line to dry and came back inside to edit videos. I have some great footage from my hike the other day, and soon I will be done with the video. 

Then at 7:30 Hella and I headed up to the tree house for dinner. Rich and his mum (who flew in from New Zealand last week) were also there for dinner. Adam made some really great Thai food. Fish, rice with lemon grass and saffron leaves, and soya beans. We all sat around in the cozy little tree house, plates on our laps, or on the little table that is built around the  trunk of the tree that comes through the center of the structure, and had a great meal. Adam told a story about how he bartered with a lady at a Tesco's. Rich talked about his recent trip to Thailand. And Shiraz came in and out, looking mildly interested at the fish on every one's plates. All in all, it was another great dinner in the tree house. It has such a nice, relaxed vibe up there, I find it hard to even describe what it's like without it sounding dumb. This farm really is a magical spot filled with very cool people. 

The view this evening as we walked back from the tree house.


  1. Yay! Isn't it fun to do your own laundry? ;-) Dad will be happy to know that you can now apply varnish- will come in handy at boat prep time!

  2. Never give away the secrets of your newfound skillz to your parental units. They can and will be used against you.
